South Farnham School has submitted plans for an extension to the main junior school building in Menin Way to provide a new sports hall and equipment store.
The school's planning application states its existing 1938 school building lacks sufficient indoor sports facilities. The current sports hall is outdated and limited in space, it says.
The proposed sports hall and equipment store will be built to the rear of the existing building, and the existing entrances and car park to the school grounds will be unaffected.
It will incorporate red facing brickwork match the current building, fire doors, and Trespa cladding panels of different colours. The sports hall's parapet roof will sit at a similar height to the existing building.
The new sports hall is intended only for the pupils of the school, and open only during school hours. The school is also applying for alterations to the existing games court.
“We are keen and anxious to improve the opportunities for our children to have access to excellent all year-round physical activity," said Andrew Carter, CEO of the South Farnham Educational Trust.

"This has never been more important than at this present time (i.e. post-Covid). Children need to have daily access to healthy sporting activity which not only supports their physical health but also is a vital element in their mental well-being.
"The proposed new gymnasium will ensure that all the children at the school will be able to access daily physical activities that will be of benefit to them whilst at school but also ensure that they develop a strong and healthy lifestyle throughout their adult life.
"The proposed gymnasium will ensure that future generations of children will build upon the investment today."
Farnham Town Council has already given its seal of approval, stating in its formal response to the application that it “welcomes the improvement to the school’s facilities".
The town council added it "would like to see the expansive flat roof utilised for energy generation such as PV panels."
It continued: "The Climate Change and Sustainability checklist, under ‘renewable and/or low carbon energy generation technologies’, states that PV panels will be considered at building regulations stage."
View and comment on the school's plans (WA/2023/01705) here.