HAMPSHIRE Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust tested its major incident plan by responding to a fake emergency alongside colleagues from Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire Fire and Rescue, and local authorities.

Last Monday’s exercise involved treating casualties in the emergency department at Basingstoke Hospital. The pretend patients were first decontaminated by hospital and fire-and-rescue teams, before being treated for medical complaints by specialists at the hospital.

In addition, the exercise tested decision making at all command levels within the trust, as well as the processes in the trust’s major incident plan.

Caroline Harrington, Hampshire Hospitals’ emergency preparedness, resilience and response manager, said: “We work hard to ensure that hospital services are as resilient as possible, undertaking regular training and participating in live exercises to test our ability to respond to a major emergency.

“The exercise went very well and we would like to thank our colleagues in Hampshire Constabulary and Hampshire Fire and Rescue for their co-operation and participation, as well as students from Portsmouth University, who played the role of casualties.

“We would also like to thank all of our patients, visitors and staff for their co-operation in ensuring that the exercise was a success, and apologise for any inconvenience caused.”