A tense election campaign saw Jeremy Hunt and Greg Stafford fighting to be elected to newly formed constituencies. Despite competition from the Liberal Democrats, the blue wall remains standing – but what does this mean for Jeremy Hunt’s office in Hindhead, which is outside his new constituency?

It seems office sharing and some hot-desking are on the cards for the two MPs for now.

Hunt said: “The office on Royal Parade in Hindhead has served me and my constituency team very well over the years and is well placed for both Greg Stafford and myself to reach our new constituencies. So, for now, we intend to make use of the brilliant facility and remain on Tilford Road.”

Stafford said: “As with all newly elected MPs, I arrived in post without any staff or Parliamentary office, so I am grateful that the Conservatives have a base with a long pedigree in my constituency. I have recruited my staff now, and they should all be in place by early autumn. Most will be based in the Hindhead office rather than in Westminster, so they will be working in the heart of our constituency for local people. Given we won’t be fully staffed until September, I ask residents to bear with us if things take a little longer—but please don't hold back from contacting me!

Both Hunt and Stafford will be holding surgeries at the Hindhead office and across the whole constituency. The two teams will work closely together to ensure “a smooth handover of cases”.