Environmental community groups in Petersfield were recognised in an award for making a real difference for biodiversity.

A partnership programme between the Tree Council and Network Rail won a Big Biodiversity Challenge Award. The Petersfield Community Garden and Petersfield Climate Action Network (PeCAN) were involved in the project.

The partnership for people, wildlife and the planet received the Community Engagement Award for exemplifying ‘what can be achieved when stakeholders are brought together in a meaningful way’. Petersfield was featured as a case study in the winning application.

Sue Edberg from the Petersfield Community Garden said: “I was invited by The Tree Council to join their group at the CIRIA Awards at The Wetland Centre.

“They took Petersfield as a showcase of how community engagement can increase tree cover and how this can be replicated across the nation. The award is for the whole town and all the work it has done.”

A hundred and eighty communities have benefitted from the partnership’s funding and support to plant trees and hedgerows in their neighbourhoods and learn new skills.

The Tree Council commented: “Local stakeholders including PeCAN, Petersfield Community Garden, and local volunteers. Worked closely with Network Rail and The Tree Council to identify the community’s priorities and needs.

“Resulting in a multi-layered, bespoke programme of planting and training, which has contributed to a significant improvement in biodiversity locally and created an ongoing legacy.”

Petersfield Town Council partnered with the Tree Council on green initiatives and other volunteer groups and schools were also involved.