The award recognises Amesbury for being an outstanding contributor to the global Microsoft Showcase School programme and being active in the UK school community in helping to embed digital learning through knowledge sharing.
Activities contributing to the accolade include holding a digital learning day which was attended by more than 25 individuals from 16 nearby schools, as well as supporting schools on a one-to-one basis, and publishing a white paper on the journey towards becoming a school with embedded digital learning.
Digital learning is the life skill of digital literacy and the purposeful use of technology being embedded as part of all learning and not simply a timetabled periodic session as part of the computing curriculum.
Amesbury has embedded digital learning throughout learning from Year 1 and was awarded Microsoft Showcase School status in September 2021. There are 56 Microsoft Showcase Schools in the UK.
The school believes pupils should use technology effectively and safely at school, so they acquire good habits, including safety habits, and digital intelligence.
Digital literacy is part of the computing curriculum and embedding digital tools into learning is fundamental for the school.
“In the absence of funding and commitment from the Department of Education to embed digital learning, it is incumbent on schools to knowledge share and collaborate as widely as possible to ensure young people have the skills they need from a young age.”