Squire’s Garden Centres in Frensham and Badshot Lea have worked with schools to teach pupils how to grow their own potatoes.

Squire’s Frensham welcomed pupils from St Mary’s Infant School, Frensham, while Squire’s Badshot Lea welcomed Badshot Lea Village Infant School pupils.

The pupils first visited their local centre in March, when they learnt how to plant potatoes and care for them.

The children returned to Squire’s recently to find out who had produced the heaviest potato crop, with the winning grower receiving a prize.

The Squire’s cafe bar team took over the task of turning each pupil’s potato crop into chips. The children waited to taste their bounty, enjoying the freshest chips – which had gone from spud to tasty chip in under 30 minutes.

Squire’s Badshot Lea centre manager Brian Phillips said: “It has been wonderful to welcome pupils and see how they have got on growing their own potato crop. They have done really well, especially as we have had some tricky growing conditions this year. The children loved the challenge and seem to have learned a lot – it’s tremendous to see their excitement at uncovering their own potato crop.

“This project is a brilliant way to show the children where food comes from – potatoes are great to illustrate the process of growing and nurturing vegetables and how easy it can be with some wonderful rewards at the end. We hope it will encourage the children to go home and keep on growing with their families – who knows what it might inspire them to grow next.”