Step into the hauntingly beautiful world of Echoes of Tomorrow – these words weren’t written by a human. They were created by an AI chatbot, but could you tell? 

They describe a collaborative exhibition featuring the work of artist and Gallery Thirteen owner Marty Farrer-Williams and sculpture and 3D artist Cyberpunk, R.R.G.

Currently on display at Gallery Thirteen, the exhibition explores what our world might look like in 50 years thanks to AI. While the exhibition is all about the impact AI does, and will, have on our world, it has also been partly created using AI.

All the artwork, including abstract paintings and sculptures, is entirely original, created by Marty and Cyberpunk, R.R.G. But the exhibition title and the descriptive text were generated by ChatGPT after Marty fed a chatbot some details about the display.

The dystopian future presented at Gallery Thirteen reflects widespread concerns about AI’s growing influence, but also demonstrates its increasing interconnectedness.

Marty said: “I am both for and against AI. I don’t believe it should be used for art, but I use it for writing and naming pieces as I struggle with that.”

He added: “I even have people bringing in AI-generated art, hoping I’ll display it, believing that because it’s their concept, it’s their own artwork.”

AI use has sparked debates, leading to writing and acting strikes in the US and criticism over art theft and job displacement.

The exhibition is a must-visit and raises the question, AI is here, but does it belong?